Year 1
Summer Course 1
Laboratory Rotations
Biomedical Research Techniques
RM & PhD students (and others) often experience that not all expertise for biomedical techniques or assays they need to perform for their research project is readily available in their department. The organization of the Postgraduate school offers the wonderful opportunity to exchange this expertise. The course ‘Biomedical Research Techniques’ is organized to create an overview of techniques routinely used in the various departments.
The program is organized in 5 steps: DNA, RNA, Proteome, Cell, Tissue and Organ.
- Day 1: primers and probes, sequencing, SNP-analysis, methylation
- Day 2: RNA, RNA expression arrays, RT PCR, siRNA, data mining
- Day 3: proteomes, mass spectrometry; (afternoon) site visit core facilities labs genomics;
- Day 4: (morning) Flow cytometry, ELISA & Cytotoxicity; (afternoon) site visits proteomics labs
- Day 5: (morning) microscopy: quantitative confocal microscopy, image analysis, FRET, FRAP & computer modeling; (afternoon) Applied Molecular Imaging: MRI, CT, Nuclear, Optical in vivo
Site visits: planned on Wednesday morning & afternoon and Thursday morning. Please register during the course. There are limited places available (max. 10/group).
Full presentation at this course is rewarded with 1.5 ECTS.
Population Dynamics
PubMed & Endnote
EndNote is a program to store bibliographic data; data about journal articles, books, book chapters etc. You can use it to create a reference list to your own articles in the style that a certain journal prefers, but you can use it for much more than that, especially when working on a systematic review.
This 3 day introduction course on SPSS will deal in a step-by-step way with the basic elements of how to use SPSS. This course is meant for (RM & PhD-)students who have little knowledge of statistics and SPSS.
For this course you will receive a certificate of attendance with 1.0 ECTS for full participation.
Survival Analysis
Two-day course on medical statistics for Research Master students. The first day consists of a brief introduction to basic statistical concepts and survival analysis. During day two, more advanced topics related to survival analysis will be discussed.
Aim of the course
Understanding (some of) the essentials of statistical theory, choosing the appropriate statistical test given the research question and data, performing the corresponding statistical analysis and interpreting the resulting statistical output.
Full presentation at this course is rewarded with 0.5 ECTS.